Business travel


Booking your Business Trip with Acapa is a good choice.

Who is Acapa Travel?

Aca­pa Trav­el is an inde­pen­dent Swiss trav­el agency owned by the fam­i­ly. Aca­pa AG was found­ed in 1988 and the Aca­pa Tours GmbH in 1999 by Rue­di Ellen­berg­er. Today Aca­pa employs around 25 trav­el con­sul­tants and sales del­e­gates on a free­lance basis, spread over the whole of Switzer­land. You can con­sult our trav­el pro­fes­sion­als as well in one of our four Aca­pa branch­es (Schinz­nach-Dorf AG, Gom­miswald SG, Mutschellen AG and Aar­berg BE).

Your business trips are in good hands

At Aca­pa head­quar­ter in Schinz­nach-Dorf are real pro­fes­sion­als in reser­va­tions and tick­et­ing at work. They are also trou­ble shoot­ers for the Aca­pa branch­es and Aca­pa sale del­e­gates in all tech­ni­cal issues.

A total of 60 years of expe­ri­ence for busi­ness trav­el: Rue­di Ellen­berg­er, own­er and man­ag­er, with 35 years, Mari­na Läuch­li with 10 years and Nadine Bill with 15 years experience.



Licenses / Memberships

Aca­pa AG and Aca­pa Tours GmbH are mem­bers of the Swiss trav­el indus­try guar­an­tee fund. Aca­pa AG is hold­er of the IATA license 81258166 since 1995, and is autho­rized to issue air tick­ets world­wide. Aca­pa has reseller agree­ments with large tour oper­a­tors such as Kuoni, Hotelplan, Tui Suisse, Rewe Group Ger­many and others.

Why Business Customers count on Acapa?

Aca­pa advis­es its busi­ness cus­tomers per­son­al­ly and indi­vid­u­al­ly. This means for busi­ness trav­el­ers, no anony­mous online search trav­el dates, instead direct book­ing with a famil­iar Aca­pa trav­el con­sul­tant. Our loy­al busi­ness clients appre­ci­ate much this ser­vice, they let orga­nize their trav­el trips for many years with us, because we learned the trav­el busi­ness from the bot­tom up and we find the right flight and ade­quate accom­mo­da­tion or the good means of trans­port from A to B quick­ly and effi­cient. Every day we are work­ing up to nine hours in the air­line reser­va­tion sys­tems and are look­ing for the best deals and best solu­tions for our cus­tomers. Even if your busi­ness is based in Eng­land, in the USA or in Chi­na, we are your trav­el agency for trav­el around the world.



Well connected thanks global infrastructure

Aca­pa is con­nect­ed to the real time reser­va­tion sys­tem « Glob­al Dis­tri­b­u­tion Sys­tem Galileo » and IATA-licensed. With this direct access Aca­pa has the advan­tage to orga­nize the busi­ness trav­el trips for its cus­tomers rapid­ly and efficient:

  • Access to all net­work air­lines and to all avail­able seats and airfares
  • Real-time book­ings all over the world
  • Direct issuance and deliv­ery of air tick­ets via email for imme­di­ate use
  • Direct and imme­di­ate change and reis­suance of air­line tickets
  • Direct flight book­ings with low-cost air­lines such as Easy­Jet, RyanAir and others
  • Direct book­ings of hotels and car rentals via appro­pri­ate data bases worldwide
  • Pay­ment of hotels and car rentals by cred­it card or with Aca­pa voucher

What is the cost of our services?

Since 1 Jan­u­ary 2005 the air­lines pay no com­mis­sion for flight reser­va­tions and tick­et­ing to trav­el agents, there­fore Aca­pa is billing sep­a­rate­ly and trans­par­ent­ly a han­dling fee:

  1. Admin­is­tra­tion fee: CHF 40.- (fee per invoice)
  2. Air­line and IATA license fee: CHF 40.- (fee per tick­et and per passenger)
  3. Con­sult­ing fee per hour: CHF 80.- (per order, regard­less of the num­ber of tick­ets and pas­sen­gers. Con­sult­ing fee is cal­cu­lat­ed as a per­cent­age by the hour per 15 minutes)

Please note that Aca­pa trav­el con­sul­tants and sales del­e­gates may require dif­fer­ent fees on a free­lance basis.



For pri­va­cy rea­sons, we can not release cus­tomer data. Our loy­al busi­ness cus­tomers are a guar­an­tee for our ser­vices with 3000 issued air tick­ets per year.